Wednesday, October 29, 2008

An Adventure

so you have to know Bob, to get the joke...
(see sarcasm as related to the title)

So, Bab and I had an adventure last week...
We went on a walk, to enjoy the sunshine, as we fear that winter is fast approaching, and have heard that winter HERE is very different from winter in Sunny Reno... (grins)

Any way, we decided to walk on a path along the river. And of COURSE we played Pooh Sticks on the bridge.
Then we walked along the river, enjoying the scent of damp fallen leaves, rich brown soil, and autumn, along with the sound of the wind in the tree branches, and the river water flowing past rocks. It was mystical. My father would have claimed that the experience "would make a believer of you"... that kind of mystical...

As we walked further we discovered an interesting historical/tourist-y/outdoor sportsman type of attraction. There is an old rail line that is maintained as a hiking trail that can take you from Vancouver to Kaslo (on the upper Kooteney)
You can walk the whole way! We discovered that our new home of Greenwood is on this trail/rail line, and that there is a campground / park and a historic marker letting hikers know that they have arrived here. Wheee... I doubt that Bob or I will walk the whole trail, but perhaps bits and parts of it...

Now, on to the adventure.
We were walking about for over an hour, and Bob realized that we were out of ciggy's. At this point in time, we were on a switchback road on the side of a hill overlooking main street. Bob... (remember, you have to know him) suggested we rock climb down the hill to shortcut to home! THEN preceded to do so!!!

It was SO much fun!

Bob... adventure... who'd believe that?


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